This clip is a short test for video additing and motion capturing in combination with 3D objects. I used Cinema 4D for adding the motion capturing markers to the video and to place the skull. The Sound and the glitch effect was made in After Effects.
Male face
I created this project to practice male face anatomy. The whole project is made in ZBrush out of a sphere. The haircut, beard and the eyebrows are made with Fibermesh. I made the compositing of the renderpasses in Photoshop.
Human Skull
The whole skull is made out of a sphere in ZBrush. The goal for this project was to sculpt an anatomy correct human skull. I use it to test the motion capturing tool in Cinema 4D and the combination of 3D and video. The Material in the font picture is made in ZBrush and the composing part is made in Photoshop. The Material of the skull in the videoclip was made in Cinema 4D. I added the sound and made the glitch effect in Adobe After Effects.